Jody L. Teiche

Mushroom Magic: Boosting Energy, Immunity, and Vitality for Your Pets with HighVibe Mushrooms

HIghVibe Mushrooms for health, vitality, energy, brain function.

Mushrooms, an ancient and diverse group of organisms, are fascinating with their unique properties and potential health benefits. We are learning more and more about their ability to boost energy, increase vitality and mental clarity and boost the immune system, all important factors in having a healthy, longer living pet.

In a recent interview with Stephen Huntsman, co-founder of HighVibe Mushrooms, a brand I love and use, he shared with me valuable insights into the numerous, powerful qualities of mushrooms and their positive impact on both us and our pets. In this post, I’ll share the key takeaways from that interview.

From my experience with this product and what I’ve learned over the past year about the power of medicinal mushrooms, I think this is an important supplement to everyone’s diet, unless you’re allergic to them. As always, if in doubt, always check with your veterinarian before starting on a supplement.

How Can Medicinal Mushrooms Benefit Us and Our Pets?


Harmony in Nature: Did you know that mushrooms are over 200 million years older than plants? I didn’t! With millions of species, mushrooms form their own universe. What makes them even more intriguing is their genetic similarity to humans.

While plants share only about 5% genetic similarity with us, mushrooms boast a staggering 50% similarity. This harmony between mushrooms and humans is a key aspect of their potential benefits to us.

The Power of Mushrooms: We are all made up of energy. Mushrooms have their own individual energy, too. When we consume mushrooms, we tap into their wealth of ancient wisdom via that energy. These organisms have been around for millions of years, accumulating vast amounts of intelligence. The proprietary blend of 10 mushrooms in  HighVibe Mushrooms is one of the things I like about the brand. In addition to the key players you’ll see a lot in multiple  mushrooms products like Reishi, Lion’s Mane, Turkey Tail, Shitake, you also see species like Antrodia, which supports liver function, something I’m very focused on now for my Sophie, with her recent diagnosis of Hepatic Microvascular Dysplasia. Antrodia also protects against viral infection, boosts the immune system and is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.  The other I don’t usually see is Himematsutake, which supports immune balance, improves circulation, also supports liver health, gut health and manages cholesterol.

Another very important factor in this mushroom product is that it includes what’s called the mycelium or the underground  root system. Most mushroom blends do not. Mycelium also decomposes organic matter and absorbs nutrients that will fuel the production of the mushroom. So, including the mycelium in HighVibe Mushrooms means the nutrients are that much more potent and available.  A lovely by-product of this process is the release of nutrients that will also feed other surrounding plant matter and trees.

HighVibe is certified organic, it’s vegan, kosher, gluten-free, non-GMO, keto-friendly, and paleo-friendly. Stephen knows where and how these mushrooms are grown and harvested. A 30-year mycologist is behind this entire process, so these mushrooms are held to a very high standard. I think this is a really clean product, which is very important to me and should be to you, if you’re shopping for a medicinal mushroom blend.

Nourishing the Body and Mind: Why do we nourish ourselves? The answer is simple: energy, mental clarity, and feeling good. When I first tried the HighVibe Mushrooms‘ blend, I felt my brain was clearer, more focused. That is a huge plus, in and of itself, since I’m doing so many different things every day, probably like you. We live in a world where a variety of important things compete for our attention.  I also immediately felt more energy. One reason for this is that mushrooms are adaptogens, which means it helps the body adapt to stress and exerts a normalizing effect upon our bodily processes.

This particular blend is strategically created to provide sustainable, adaptogenic energy, to promote mental clarity and brain function without the jitters. Additionally, it activates dopamine, which in short, makes us feel good!  These same benefits of increased energy, vibrancy, and overall vitality apply to our pets, too. By nourishing our dogs and cats with mushrooms, we embrace a holistic approach to well-being and help our pets’ bodies adapt and deal with the toxins they encounter every day.

Empowering the Immune System: The immune system is our pets’ ability to fight off the onslaught of toxins they take in. It is critical to strengthen it and keep it as strong as possible to have a vitally health pet that can live the longest life possible. I love that the HighVibe blend of medicinal mushrooms offers a lot of immune function support. Mushrooms included like Chaga, Reishi, and Lion’s Mane are known for their immune-boosting properties, helping us mitigate the impact of chronic inflammation. We know chronic inflammation is where all dis-ease begins.

Will These Mushrooms Make My Pet High?


No. These are nutritional mushrooms, not psychedelic mushrooms. Although much research is being done now about the benefits of using psychedelic mushrooms to address mental health challenges in humans, this product and this post is about nutrition and the power of these mushrooms to provide better health and vitality for our pets.



The world of mushrooms is a truly fascinating one, offering us a harmonious connection to nature’s innate intelligence. HighVibe Mushrooms‘ commitment to quality and their proprietary blend of 10 mushrooms provide a clean and potent source of nourishment for humans and pets, alike. By embracing these remarkable organisms, we can experience improved mental clarity, sustained energy, and enhanced immune function. It’s so easy to incorporate this powerful supplement into your pet’s diet. Knowing what you now know, why wait to give them these great health benefits and a new level of well-being?

To their best health ever!


[Disclaimers: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns before making dietary changes or starting new supplements for your pets.

I am an affiliate of HighVibe Mushrooms and if you purchase through me, you will get a 10% discount and I will get a small commission, which supports keeping this site going and the work I do.]


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