Jody L. Teiche

The Little Known Culprit Behind Many Eye Issues – Do You Know What It Is?

Your dog or cat’s eye starts tearing. They’re not acting sick but they might be pawing at it and you’ve no idea why.

What’s a culprit most pet parents don’t know about that could be causing this? Read on…

Did you know your dog or cat has a third eye lid? Yup. It’s also called the nictitating membrane or the haw, and is located at the inside corner of their eyes. The name comes from the Latin word nictare, meaning blink. Its purpose is to remove debris, provide protection and distribute the tear film, which brings nutrients, lubrication and oxygen to the eye. It also houses one of the most important tear glands at its base.

It also is a great place for stuff to get stuck, wreaking havoc on your pet’s eye.

Pieces of grass, little plant seeds, anything small enough to fit in there can get stuck and it’s a great place to look first, if you notice your dog or cat’s eye tearing consistently and unexplainably.

How to inspect the third eye lid

It’s pretty easy. Just push gently on his or her upper lid as you’re holding the eye open and the third eyelid membrane will come out of its hiding place under the lower lid. It’s opaque and moves horizontally across the eye.

While exposing the third eyelid, wash your dog or cat’s eye with sterile saline eye solution and wipe with a clean cotton pad. If there was debris in there, that should do the trick. If not, it may be time to have your vet look at the eye to determine the cause.

The third eyelid not normally prone to disease, but a condition called “cherry eye,” where the tear gland behind the third eye lid protrudes, is one.

Another natural option to help heal sore eyes

If your pet’s eye is irritated from debris, in addition to washing with saline solution, you might want to place a drop or two of colloidal silver in the eye once or twice a day for a couple of days.

Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic, which also has antiseptic, anti fungal, and disinfectant properties. It is made of submicroscopic pieces of silver particles broken down into a liquid base.

The way it basically works is that microscopic particles of silver are small enough to penetrate on a molecular level and destroy all types of pathogens like bacteria, fungal spores, viruses, and parasites. The idea is that colloidal silver hinders a pathogen’s ability to breathe, and kills it within a few minutes.

I use colloidal silver to protect myself from our current Covid environment, spraying it up my nose and down my throat after visiting public spaces like the post office or a store. May sound woo woo crazy, but I’ve stayed virus free.

My by far and away preferred brand of colloidal silver is Sovereign Silver (image above). You can get it on Amazon in all kinds of bottles, including the nasal and pump sprays I mentioned above, as well as dropper bottles, perfect for treating your pet’s eyes.

Important Takeaways

  • a little known place to look when you’re pet’s eye is irritated
  • a way to access the third eyelid and how to clean
  • a great, natural antimicrobial, anti fungal for your health tool kit

If your pet’s eye looks injured in any way or doesn’t clear up in a day or two, see your vet or a specialist.

To get more natural health tips and resources for your pet, join The Hound Healer family!

To their health…


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